Personal Data Protection

1. In connection with the functioning of our website, the following types of personal data of website users are collected and processed:

    • E-mail address, name and surname and the content of the inquiry of people using our contact form (contact us);
    • Visitor’s ID (ID) and associated statistical information about visits to our website and activity during those visits;
    • Information about visiting our website and about how the user found our website, processed with the use of cookie technology and used for statistical purposes.

2. Personal data collected from users who have used the contact form are used by us to process and send the answer to this inquiry. In the event that providing an unambiguous and comprehensive answer to the inquiry sent to us requires obtaining more information, we make an attempt to contact us in order to collect the necessary knowledge.

3. If contact via the form or chat concerns technical problems related to the functioning of our website, the data is processed in order to solve this technical problem or to provide instructions on how to use the website and its functionalities.

4. In the vicinity of the contact form, there is also a field that allows you to consent to the sending of marketing notifications. If this consent is given, the data provided in the contact form will also be used to send invitations to cooperation and to notify about Fabres’ offer and activity.

5. Information about the activity of visitors to our website reaches us in an aggregated (i.e. statistical) form – we are not able to analyze the behavior of any specific person. They are used to test the readability of the website and its content, to monitor how users navigate the website and which content is attractive to them. We conduct these activities in order to understand the needs of our users and to increase the communication, educational and usability values ​​of our website.

6. The personal data we collect are processed on the basis of the following legal grounds:

6.1. The provisions on data protection entitle us to work on personal data at the request of a person who potentially wants to enter into a contractual relationship with us, to the extent that it is necessary to enable the conclusion of such a contract (Article 6 (1) (b) GDPR). Sending a request for quotation via the contact form is interpreted as the will to conclude a contract, and we consider the collection of information necessary to develop and present the offer to be necessary before concluding such a contract.

6.2. We consider the handling of inquiries about the functionality of the website and notifications of possible technical problems sent to us via the contact form as our legitimate interest (Article 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR).

6.3. Sending marketing content in the form of personalized e-mails and the related processing of personal data is based on a voluntary consent that can be withdrawn at any time (Article 6 (1) (a) of the GDPR).

6.4. Data collected using cookie technology, used to analyze behavior on our website, are processed on the basis of voluntary consent, which can be withdrawn at any time (Article 6 (1) (a) of the GDPR and Article 173 (2) of the Telecommunications Law Act. ).

7. Personal data, used on the basis of cookie technology, and used to analyze the behavior on our website, are sent to a leading provider of analytical services. In order to protect your privacy, this data is anonymized, the so-called “in flight”. They reach the analyst without your IP address and with an artificially introduced “noise” (minor changes introduced randomly to the recording of your behavior).

8. Apart from the above, personal data is not shared. An exception to this rule may be a situation where an entity having such rights under the law (e.g. court, police, public prosecutor’s office) requests access to them.

9. When processing data, the administrator supports subcontractors who provide services in the field of e-mail, building and maintaining a website, data hosting and data analysis.

10. Personal data collected in connection with handling inquiries sent from the form are stored by us for a period of 3 months. The data used to research user activity on our website is immediately anonymised.

11. Data processed using cookie technology is processed for the time indicated in the tabular statement available in our cookie policy.

12. Each person whose personal data is processed has the following rights: the right to access their personal data, the right to obtain a copy of them, the right to rectify, delete or limit processing, and the right to transfer them.

13.In addition, as regards data processed with the use of cookies, and for marketing purposes, users also have the right to withdraw their consent at any time. Consents are managed by the tool included in our cookie policy.

14. Marketing consent may be withdrawn by contacting the administrator or the DPO from the e-mail address provided when subscribing to the newsletter.

15. The persons whose data we collect also have the right to object to the processing of their personal data.

16. The persons whose data we process also have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority if they come to the conclusion that our practice violates the law.

17. Please note that the above rights apply only to data that can be associated with the applicant. These rights do not apply to anonymous statistical information (Art.11 (2) GDPR).

18. Providing personal data is not a statutory requirement or a condition for concluding a contract, and the data subject is not obliged to provide them. Providing collected personal data is voluntary. The consequences of not providing personal data will be the inability to use the contact form and the limitation of our ability to analyze behavior on our website and conduct marketing.

19. The automatic actions we perform with the use of user information do not have a legal or similar effect. We do not profile our users.