The privacy policy

General information

  1. This Privacy Policy aims to provide a sense of security to every user of our website
  2. The functioning of our website is carried out in accordance with the requirements of generally and absolutely binding legal regulations, as well as with the use of commonly accepted solutions to protect user data.
  3. By using our website, you accept the terms of this Privacy Policy.
  4. This Privacy Policy applies only to our website. Please note that if you go to another website via a link that may be included on our website, a different privacy and cookie policy will apply. We recommend that you read their content.
  5. We reserve the right to make changes to this privacy policy. However, these changes will not violate the basic safety and privacy rules of our website users.
  6. The administrator of your personal data is Int3grity sp.z o.o. with headquarters in 61-129 Poznań, ul. Stanisława Małachowskiego 10.
  7. You can contact us by post, to the address of our office or using the contact form on our website.
  8. The administrator has appointed the Data Protection Inspector. This is the person whose job is to control and improve our data protection system. The Data Protection Officer (hereinafter referred to as the DPO) also acts as a contact point for you. The suggested form of contact is sending an e-mail to the address